Essex Furukawa Focuses on Carbon Reduction with Short Reel Initiative

December 1, 2021

Essex Furukawa, aligning with Vision 2030 and its holistic sustainability effort, is working to reduce carbon emissions by introducing another environmentally focused program: The CTC/PW Short Reel Initiative.

The initiative is specific to Continuously Transposed Cable/Conductor (CTC) as well as Paper Wrapped Conductor (PW), two products that are often ordered at specific lengths. Those custom length projects can lead to inefficient packaging, which can result in an increase of waste or requiring either lightly loaded trucks and/or multiple shipments.

By combining and flagging cable lengths, Essex Furukawa believes that it can reduce the number of reels and increase the efficiencies in shipping, which will directly reduce carbon emissions. The CTC/PW Short Reel Initiative also offers a solution that optimizes truckloads, reduces packaging, adds efficiency to shipping/receiving processes at our facilities and our customers’ facilities, as well as minimizes freight costs.

The program is designed to ensure fuller loads, which will reduce trips and carbon emissions and is one additional step toward achieving our Vision of a sustainable future.

According to Austin Robinson, Sustainability Project Manager for Essex Furukawa, this marks a victory across the value chain.

“It is always a great feeling when there is an overlap between sustainability, supply chain, and cost reductions that can positively impact everyone with a value proposition,” she said. “When you set out to make sustainability a driving force for your organization it does not always make decisions easy, or seem bottom line friendly, but when it does then everyone has a success story.”

Our Vision 2030 program commits Essex Furukawa to be motivated by and dedicated to creating a sustainable future. Each decision, partnership, and investment we make as a company will be driven by this common goal. The company is committed to being a part of the solution in improving environmental issues facing the world.

Programs such as the CTC/PW Short Reel Initiative that commitment.

“Being able to positively impact our sustainability goals, and improve external partnerships with cost reductions, add momentum to Vision 2030 as well as better positions Essex Furukawa and its customers,” Robinson added.

About Essex Furukawa

Essex Furukawa Magnet Wire LLC is the leading, global provider of magnet wire that is used by most major OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, and industry leaders in the automotive, energy, industrial, and commercial & residential sectors. The Atlanta-based company is a global joint venture formed in 2020 between Essex Magnet Wire and Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., both leaders in magnet wire product development, and custom solutions. The combined entity, relying on the strengths of both Essex Magnet Wire and Furukawa Electric, draws on more than two centuries of combined experience and knowledge to push forward innovation while also remaining focused on delivering manufacturing excellence and outstanding customer service.

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